
Before You Book a Performance.... Browse this Website! Watch the Videos!! Read the Reviews!!! Then reserve your spot on the Frederick Douglass Speaking Tour.

PHOTO CREDIT: John Muller - Image captured at the protest at Lincoln Park in Washington, DC on November 2020. Defending the Emancipation Monument
Each year Nathan M. Richardson renowned interpreter of Frederick Douglass chooses a major theme from the life of Frederick Douglass to share with his audiences. This year's theme follows the prevailing mood & interest of the country and may not be the theme presented to clients who select a different topic of discussion:>>>
The 2024 / 2025 Frederick Douglass Speaking Tour will focus on the Semiquincentennial Celebration of American Democracy and the evolution of how Frederick Douglass framed his understanding of the United States Constitution.
As your organization prepares to celebrate America’s 250 and the founding of our Democracy, we must pause and reflect on the words of abolitionist Frederick Douglass, who challenged every American citizen; “to live up to the Constitution, adopt its principles, abide in its spirit and enforce its provisions.” Even at 250 years old, Douglass would say; “America is still young compared to nations that have lived a thousand years.”
Make plans to include Frederick Douglass in your America 250 programing. Born into slavery around the year 1818, Frederick Douglass managed before America’s Centennial Celebration, to free himself, teach himself how to read and write, and become a celebrated orator and abolitionist. In 1876 he joined Lucy Stone, Wendell Phillips and Mary Livermore at Faneuil Hall in Boston to celebrate the Boston Tea Party. The protest speech he gave that day challenged America to move toward a more perfect union, saying; “From the beginning of my connection of the abolitionist of this country, I saw the principle in which I demanded freedom for the black man, applied equally to the woman. I believe this government will never be in a safe healthy condition until all good people under it and the bad people under it, also shall have the right to bring whatever good or whatever bad there is in them, into the government.”
Call or email us to book Nathan Richardson to bring your patron a worldclass first person interpretation of Frederick Douglass.​ Below is a short list of previous clients who have hosted events on the topic of American Democracy and the United States Constitution.
Franklin County Visitors Bureau, Chambersburg, PA w/ Janet Pollard
Christopher Newport University / Center for American Studies w/ Prof Bill White
Cuyahoga Community College & Western Reserve Historical Society of Ohio w/Prof Rania Assily
Founding Forward at Valley Forge w/ Staci Bells and the Annual Teachers Workshop
COVID 19 NOTICE: Booking performances in accordance with local COVID Social Distancing Guidelines for live events (Indoor & Outdoor) following limited seating protocol. Limited booking on virtual platforms like Zoom, Facebook Live, Stream Yard or Webex with some restrictions.